As winter season approaches, you may be thinking about investin
g in a snow plow. Owning your own snow plow not only assures you will have a clear driveway, it can also be a source for extra income.
Once you have decided to make the investment in a snow plow, it is important to carefully consider several factors before making your purchase:
What type of plow is right for your vehicle?
If you own a 1/2 ton pick-up or a UTV, your vehicle is appropriate for plowing most driveways. A 7 or 8 foot plow should be more than adequate to meet your needs.
For long rural driveways and commercial plowing, you should have a truck that is at least 3/4 ton and a plow that is no less than 8 feet wide. For commercial plowing jobs you may need to provide ice control, so make sure your truck has the payload capacity to handle a salt spreader. Consider your vehicle’s gross axle weight rating, or GAWR. This is the specific weight determined by the manufacturer to be the maximum allowable weight that can be placed on an individual axle. When purchasing your equipment, ensure it matches your vehicle’s GAWR rating.
Should you choose a straight plow or a V plow?
Both straight and V plows are highly effective for snow removal. Straight blade snow plows typically cost less than V plows, but the V plows do offer more of a performance edge. A V plow gives you the ability to angle and direct snow. The V plow also moves hardened snow that has frozen overnight better than a straight blade. The arrowhead shape of the plow can slice through crusted snow better than the flat surface of a straight blade.
What snow plow blade material is best?
Snow plow material choices include: Stainless Steel, Mild Steel and Poly. Stainless steel offers corrosion resistance and a slight advantage in surface slickness compared to mild steel. Stainless steel drawbacks include a vulnerability to denting, which may affect plow performance. Mild steel has traditionally been the most widely used material for snow plows. Mild steel advantages include durability, rigidity and excellent value. Poly is the slickest material option, so snow will not stick to the blade and will slide off the blade further and faster. It is also extremely corrosion and scratch resistant. Contrary to common belief, poly plows are not necessarily lighter than steel types.
What kind of lighting system and controls do you need?
Visibility is an important consideration since you will most likely need to plow during snow storms. Your snow plow should include a quality lighting system with solid mounting design. Headlight systems that have a two-piece clamp design tend to be the most reliable. Ease of use is the best advantage to look for in a snow plow control system. Choose a straightforward controller with large, easy-access buttons.
Have a few questions we didn’t answer? Contact us today to speak with a snow plow expert.